Marijuana and Yoga
Marijuana is a plant with many properties that are still in a deep study around the world, to find all the qualities it has in addition to the recreational use that people give it.
Thanks to the legislation that has been gradually introduced in various countries around the world, including Mexico, new scientific theories have begun to be developed about the properties of marijuana, which people like BigMike, the cannabis magnate, have been able to exploit.
Mostly positive, it has been proven why laughter when using marijuana with psychoactives or how it helps or hurts sleep, but can it help during yoga relaxation and assist in achieving deeper meditation?
There is a whole series of studies, essays and research such as the book ‘LCD, Marijuana, Yoga and Hypnosis’ and ‘High Yoga: Yoga, Cannabis and CBD, Relaxation and Healing Treatments’ by renowned Yoga instructor Darrin Zeer from Colorado, that talk about the benefits of bringing these two practices together.
“Modern yoga practices make a perfect connection between meditation and the plant and the use of both improves the quality of relaxation and helps people’s health” quotes the author in his illustrated book.
What is meditation?
Meditation is a common practice nowadays, where through mental training, people can clear their consciousness and mind for multiple purposes.
One of them, to alleviate conditions that burden a person’s mental health as well as to find the clarity needed in complex situations.
This practice has existed since 1500 B.C. and is usually performed lying down or sitting, but always with the same purpose of reaching a state of peace that helps to bring clarity to the human mind.
Is it possible to meditate while having the effects of marijuana? The answer is yes.
At least that is the opinion of Buddhists and natives of South Asian regions who perform both practices and wish to share their experience with the world.
In the meditation ceremonies of this region, it has become a regular practice to introduce marijuana to the meditation meetings, since thanks to the decrease in the acceleration of the mind, it is easier to enter into a pure state of meditation according to their practices.
When a person consumes marijuana, in whatever state he/she is in, he/she goes through a mental change that usually transforms the perception of the environment and that in combination with the activity during meditation, the mind is more moldable and calm to perform this activity.
What are the benefits of combining yoga and cannabis?

The combination of yoga and cannabis can provide several benefits, according to some studies and practitioners.
Some of these benefits may include increased relaxation, reduced stress and anxiety, increased concentration and focus, a greater mind-body connection, and a deeper experience in the practice of yoga.
However, it is important to keep in mind that the use of cannabis can have different effects on each person and that its use should be responsible.
When a person consumes marijuana, in whatever state he/she is in, he/she goes through a mental change that usually transforms the perception of the environment and that in combination with the activity during meditation, the mind is more moldable and calm to perform this activity, in general reduces the problems caused by stress.
Thanks to the psychoactive elements of marijuana, the human brain, in particular the left and right hemispheres are able to connect more effectively, allowing a fluid communication between them that helps to reach all the states that meditation seeks to achieve during its practice.
Meditation helps people to concentrate on the present, putting aside the problems of the past that cannot be changed and the problems of the future that have not yet occurred.
The calming effects of marijuana are also carried with this fundamental aspect of meditation.
How to consume marijuana before practicing yoga?
The use of marijuana before practicing yoga is a personal choice and depends on the preferences and needs of each individual.
However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind.
Know your limits: If you decide to use cannabis before practicing yoga, it is essential that you know your limits and how it affects you.
Everyone reacts differently to cannabis, so it is important to understand how it affects you physically and mentally.
Proper dosage: If you decide to consume cannabis, it is advisable to start with a low dose and increase gradually if necessary..
This will allow you to assess how you feel and adjust the dosage according to your needs.
Cannabis strains: There are different varieties of cannabis, each with its own characteristics and effects.
Some varieties may be more relaxing, while others may have stimulating effects.
It is important to choose a variety that suits your needs and goals when practicing yoga.
Method of consumption: The method of consumption is also relevant. Some people choose to smoke or vaporize cannabis, while others prefer to consume it in the form of edibles or oils.
Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose the method that is most comfortable and safe for you.
Responsibility and safety: It is always important to use cannabis responsibly and safely.
Make sure you are in a safe environment, avoid driving or activities that require intense attention, and maintain an appropriate balance between cannabis use and yoga practice.
Deep breathing during meditation, when successfully achieved, promotes the flow of the nervous system in the body, which marijuana calms and controls in the human body.
For this reason, they claim that they are two great friends and everyone should practice it this way.
Align with the purpose
When smoking for a purpose, in this case to help meditation, experts say that the plant “shines” in the human body, as it acts in body, mind and soul to help achieve this purpose or any other that you propose at the time of deciding to smoke marijuana.
To sleep, to exercise better, to whet your appetite or to calm you down, it seems that meditation is a new plus that the plant has helped to improve people’s lives.
When smoking for a purpose, in this case to help meditation, experts say that the plant “shines” in the human body, as it acts in body, mind and soul to help achieve this purpose or any other that you propose at the time of deciding to smoke marijuana.
To sleep, to exercise better, to whet your appetite or to calm you down, it seems that meditation is a new plus that the plant has helped to improve people’s lives.
Cannabis use can have different effects on different people, so it is important to listen to your body and make informed decisions.
It is always advisable to consult with a health professional before combining cannabis and yoga, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking medication.